MCFSP – Makerere University


Tel: +256 (0) 326 662260

Mob: +256 (0) 700 716128

Meet our Leaders



The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University is governed by an effective multi-tier leadership system composed of the Mastercard Foundation led by the President & CEO through its Country office headed by the Country Director, and at Makerere University headed by the Vice Chancellor supported by the a standing Steering Committee, and executed through the Project Implementation Team headed by the Program Coordinator.

All established structures ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the program and achievement of its intended goals and objectives.

Rita Roy
President & CEO - Mastercard Foundation
Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe
VC - Makerere University
Adrian Bukenya
Country Director, Mastercard Foundation
Prof. Justine Namaalwa
Program Coordinator - MCFSP @ Makerere University