About Us
The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program is a 10-year global initiative to educate and develop the next generation leaders, who will contribute to social and economic progress, particularly in Africa. The Scholars Program enables young people from economically disadvantaged communities to complete quality secondary and tertiary education, and make successful transitions to further education or to the workforce in their home countries.
About Makerere University
Makerere University was established in 1922 as a Technical College, and later evolved into a Premier University in Uganda and the largest university in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a student population of over 40,000. One goal of a university education is to help you develop as a unique individual to be educated as a whole person, intellectually, emotionally, socially, ethically, and spiritually.
As a large, complex, and diverse institution, Makerere University attempts to balance its needs— to foster freedom for individual growth, to support its various communities of interests, and to fulfil its broader teaching and research mission.
About Mastercard Foundation
The Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work.
We want a world where young people are included and are thriving and their leadership and contributions matter. A future where young people are driving transformative change and achieving their full potential.
We bring together the private sector, donors, young people, and civil society – to create effective systems and infrastructures, supportive policies, and an environment where young people can find work and entrepreneurs and small enterprises can succeed and grow.
A world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper.
The Program
The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program envisions a transformative network of young people and institutions driving inclusive and equitable socio-economic change in Africa. Since launching in 2012, the Program has supported nearly 45,000 young people in Africa to pursue secondary or tertiary education.
To enable Scholars and young people across Africa to succeed, we know there is a need to address systemic barriers in higher education, strengthen capacity, support innovative solutions across critical sectors, and connect ecosystem actors together to amplify our impact across the continent. Working together alongside young people, universities, NGOs, and other higher education stakeholders, the Program strives to create the conditions that will enable young people to attain inclusive and relevant education, transition smoothly into dignified and fulfilling work, and lead transformative lives.
A community where everyone is empowered to actualize their potential.
To be a bedrock of sustainable social-economic transformation through giving back and harnessing opportunities that support communities to actualize their full potential.
Integrity, Creativity and Innovation, Giveback, Teamwork, Inclusion and Participation, Humility and Respect.
The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University is governed by an effective multi-tier leadership system composed of the Mastercard Foundation led by the President & CEO through its Country office headed by the Country Director, and at Makerere University headed by the Vice Chancellor supported by the a standing Steering Committee, and executed through the Project Implementation Team headed by the Program Coordinator.
All established structures ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the program and achievement of its intended goals and objectives.