MCFSP – Makerere University


Tel: +256 (0) 326 662260

Mob: +256 (0) 700 716128

About the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program


The Program

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program envisions a transformative network of young people and institutions driving inclusive and equitable socio-economic change in Africa. Since launching in 2012, the Program has supported nearly 45,000 young people in Africa to pursue secondary or tertiary education.   

To enable Scholars and young people across Africa to succeed, we know there is a need to address systemic barriers in higher education, strengthen capacity, support innovative solutions across critical sectors, and connect ecosystem actors together to amplify our impact across the continent. Working together alongside young people, universities, NGOs, and other higher education stakeholders, the Program strives to create the conditions that will enable young people to attain inclusive and relevant education, transition smoothly into dignified and fulfilling work, and lead transformative lives.