MCFSP – Makerere University


Tel: +256 (0) 326 662260

Mob: +256 (0) 700 716128

Our Services


Committed to holistic development of the scholars

Academic & Career Support


Academic support is one of the services extended to the Scholars by the Program. Academic support is directly related to the virtue of excellence as one of the key tenets of the Scholars. Just like in any venture or executing any assignment, challenges could be encountered and that is why the Scholars Program gives appropriate support to Scholars to enable them complete their different programmes of study. This entails academic advising for academically challenged Scholars both as individuals and in college based clusters/ groups. Additionally, access to online and other academic material, library resources, training in managing different learning styles. Research, academic internships, practicum, field attachment, academic field tours and trips, recess term activities among others.


Career development is central to the operations of the Scholars Program. It fosters transition to the different pathways including further education, formal employment and entrepreneurship. This happens right from the time Scholars report to the University through orientation, choice of courses (Major & Minor courses), mapping of one’s career especially with the employment of the career wheel among others. This is enabled through functional partnerships with agencies who share a cause with the Scholars Program regarding career advancement including professional etiquette in the world of work, sharing training and work opportunities among others.


The Mentoring Program of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Makerere University was started in 2015/2016. The program was designed to prepare the Scholars for a successful academic learning, leadership, career, entrepreneurship and personal development.

Each Scholar on the Program has an opportunity to choose a mentor from a pool of academic staff of the University and external key individuals carefully appointed by the office of the Vice Chancellor.

The mentorship program provides the opportunity to inspire Personal and professional development and success. The Scholars who are the mentees in this case are helped to become familiar with the university environment (academic and socio-cultural Identify career paths through self-awareness of professional and personal knowledge, skills, talents and attitudes to support their personal growth. The Mentees also acquire knowledge and tools to make ethical and informed decisions through learning and professional networking skills. Lastly, the Mentoring relation enables a community of practice with of confident graduates with excellent leadership skills, communication, critical thinking, professionalism and other skills important to the transition to the world of work.